WP7 partners met in London with the aim of advancing on the development of pilot projects
Some ROMEO Project partners met in London last 22nd of March to celebrate an internal meeting in order to advance in different tasks included in the Work Package 7, focused on the three multi-scale offshore pilots foreseen in the ROMEO Project.
The partners involved in WP7 had the opportunity to share the latest advances. This Work Package involves the testing of concepts/tools integrated in O&M information management system in a real operational environment of 3 multi-scale offshore pilots in Teesside (EDF – UK), Wikinger (Iberdrola – DE) and East Anglia One (Iberdrola – UK).
A step-by-step demonstration and validation strategy will be implemented in order to validate the developments as a global Wind Farm Decision Supporting System.
Testing to verify functionalities
This Work Package, leaded by Iberdrola, will include all the necessary testing to verify the diverse functionality associated with the data analytic and O&M tools including all tests to confirm underlying components and modelling are aligned with the work package expected results and KPIs.
The final goal is clear: to reduce the O&M costs of the offshore wind farms in order to make offshore wind energy even more competitive and fight against climate change.
Offshore pilots advances
Iberdrola successfully connected last december Wikinger wind farm to the power grid in Germany. With an investment of nearly €1.4 billion, Wikinger will prevent almost 600,000 tonnes of CO 2 from being released into the atmosphere each year and will supply renewable energy to approximately 350.000 homes.
For Wikinger project, it is foreseen a preliminary reduction in substructure inspection visits . Additionally, for WTG it is expected a reduction of the number person hours required for annual inspections.
Iberdrola, through ScottisPower Renewables, is also working on other offshore wind power projects, being one of the most important East Anglia One wind farm. The installation, will be in operation in 2020 is locatedin the South East coast of England.
It will cover a total area equivalent to 30,000 football pitches and will include 102 turbines. The huge offshore East Anglia ONE wind farm will be one of the largest in the world and will supply around 500,000 British households, the equivalent of a large city like Málaga (Spain).
EDF´s Teesside offshore wind farm, , is located off the coast of North East England, near the town of Redcar.
The 27 turbine scheme is capable of delivering 62 MW. The wind farm has the capacity to produce enough renewable electricity to meet the average annual needs of all the homes and businesses in nearby towns Redcar, Marske and Saltburn. The wind farm was grid connected in 2013