Work Packages

The Work Plan of ROMEO project has been created for providing a set of 10 ad-hoc “approaches” to reach the fulfilment of each key concept during the life time of the project. In this sense, the overall approach of ROMEO is broken down into 10 core WPs.

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wp1-1 Management Structure

Technical specifications & project requirements:


WP1 will define the requirements for the concepts/tools to be developed within the project. The common framework will be defined to ensure the good integration between WPs and the integration of end user requirements on the final concepts developed. Additionally, critical components (both for WT and support structures) in terms of life-cycle costs, will be determined by deep failure modes effect and criticality analysis (FMECA).

wp2 Management Structure

WT Diagnosis/Prognosis solution for a new design (physical):

Lead beneficiary: SIEMENS GAMESA

Within WP2, it will be developed a set of 3th generation CMS capable to detect degradation failures in key major components of the WT. Working Groups for each subset of failure mode will be created according to each subsystem analysed (main shaft, gearbox, generator, blade bearing, transformer and converter). For each failure mode, a key expert manufacturer or a service provider will work closely with the WT manufacturer in order to develop the “physical approach” to develop the high-performance CMS.

wp3 Management Structure

WT offline failure models for a running design

Lead beneficiary: IBM

In WP3 a united approach based on the combination of physical and statistical models will be developed. A customized methodology of bootstrapped statistical failure models will be developed and tested with the main aim of ensuring the application of new methods/concepts in the offshore Industry.

wp4 Management Structure

Structural condition monitoring

Lead beneficiary: RAMBOLL

WP4 will be focused on the assessment of the feasibility of low-cost monitoring methods for predictive maintenance, risk based inspection and lifetime extension of WT structures and substructures when applied on an industrial scale using powerful FE models and site-specific data. The studies conducted are to provide guidance on the implementation rationales for retrofitting already operating wind farms and for future wind farms.

wp5 Management Structure

Data acquisition & Analytics Ecosystem

Lead beneficiary: INDRA

WP5 will integrate the different data acquisition and processing elements and protocols that will address the needs of the overall system in order to cover the requirements identified in WP3&4. These data acquisition and processing components and modules include heterogeneity of variables to monitor and process, Multiple communication infrastructures, Communication protocols and Real time data processing considering IoT cloud platform in WP6.

wp6 Management Structure

O&M Information Management Platform

Lead beneficiary: UPTIME

WP6 will develop, deploy and demonstrate a fully operational Information Management Platform (Centralised, web-based, fully integrated with central Data Acquisition and Analytics Ecosystem (WP5), High system security, Built-in intelligence to allow multiple information flows and Efficient and intuitive design to allow a variety of users and environments to work in), designed to contribute directly to the optimisation of wind turbine Operation and Maintenance and substructure inspection and maintenance regime.

wp7 Management Structure

Pilot tests


WP7 will include all the necessary testing to verify the diverse functionality associated with the data analytic and O&M tools including all tests to confirm underlying components and modelling are aligned with the work package expected results and KPIs. Pilot validation will cover the framework of the 3 critical and complementary Wind Farm use cases (Wikinger, East Anglia ONE and Teesside) operated by IBERDROLA and EDF and with ADWEN and SIEMENS WTs.

wp8 Management Structure

Impact assessment (LCoE & Replicability)


WP8 will carry out the development of an integrated cost model incorporating O&M inputs and adopting innovative cost structures, allowing identification of impact through comparison between a baseline and design cases considering the advantages of CM methods and efficient post-processing of data, incorporating randomness of key input variables and parameters.

wp9 Management Structure

Dissemination, Exploitation & Training


WP9 focuses on industrial dissemination activities, as the project is expected to have a strong impact directly on offshore wind industry. Robust exploitation and communication plans will be elaborated in this WP, in order to ensure the successful exploitation and final impact into the wind power electric system of the technology and solutions that will be developed and demonstrated within the project.

wp10 Management Structure

Project Management


This WP will carry out the necessary management activities in order to effectively coordinate of the overall project work plan.

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